Human Design

Human Design is a synthesis of the esoteric and the exoteric. It is a way to know yourself more deeply and profoundly while honoring your life and purpose on this plane in this lifespan.

Journey into the Depths of Your Soul with Human Design

Give Yourself Permission to

Identify Your PROFILE

You may already know if you are a Generator, Manifesting Generator, Manifestor, Projector, or Reflector. Let’s go into what that actually means for YOU!


Your Type and Strategy can lead to the perfection of what it is to be you, whether that’s to Respond, Wait for the Invitation, Inform, or follow the cycles of the Moon.

Live by Your AUTHORITY

We’ve been conditioned to use the Mind as our Authority. The mind is NEVER the authority. Your Authority is how you are able to live life and make decisions that are correct for YOU!

Leave the NOT-SELF behind

All of those white and open spaces in your Human Design chart can either be great areas of potential wisdom, or they can condition you into a Not-Self theme in life.

The Book of You

TamRa created the Book of You and the Human Design Guide Workbooks to help others get into their own rhythm of learning and contemplating.

Beginner's Guide

Enjoy this free download to discover what Human Design is and how to use it to learn more about YOU!

In this PDF you’ll find helpful worksheets, journal entries, and information to assist you in your own Soul Discovery Journey.


The Book of You + Human Design Reading

You get a personalized book full of over 88 pages of your Astrology, Human Design plus a full hour Human Design Reading by TamRa.

Most Human Design readings don’t include a personalized book made about yourself.


Your Human Design Guidebook

This workbook is designed to get you into a contemplative state in order to fully immerse yourself in your Human Design experiment. Human Design shows us so much about ourselves, it requires a deep dive to find your own uniqueness.